Learn to Love Learning New Skills!

Learn How to Learn More Effectively - Learn to Learn Exponentially

SkillsFare NPO (aka "Skills-Fare") is a
registered NON-PROFIT 501(c)3 entity*
all content on this site platform is
accessible FOR FREE to all Students!!!

*verifiable able at https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/   under skillsfare for Organization Name

6 Easy Steps to Achieving Incredible Success!

step 1

step 2

step 3

step 4

step 5

step 6

Start watching the videos at Curriculum Level 1 -- FOR FREE!


just 1 Session per Day -

2 Days per Week

Don't worry about time or effort - just let the information flow through you...

Watch your Achievements gradually accumulate; track your progress; realize soon enough how easy it is to do so much MORE, and so quickly!

Before you realize it, you've completed 5 Levels of training in over 200 Skills!

MORE importantly: you are able to learn new material far more quickly and accurately - you are highly competitive in any sector; you are a true asset; you have become a Data Manager!

After Level 5 (of 7), you now have access to special Concentration Courses [coming soon] taught by the best in their field! As well as access to a web of affiliate on-line courses.

Now - as your peers are just finishing up high school, or a certification, or some college, or getting out of the Military - you're right there with them, but with multiple major differences:

You have math training up through Differential Equations, real experience in CAD and the Trades, Full-Stack Coding ability, and further, you've written (and submitted for peer review) at minimum 1 Dissertation...

...and most importantly, you now have a strong foundation to continue along that path of exponential learning, performance, and achievement, for the rest of your life!

Yes, you can!...

Have you ever heard these statements?: “I hate math”, “math is hard”, “I hate writing essays”, “I need a mechanic to change my front turn signal light”, “I’m not smart enough to code”, or “that’s not my specialty”… and so on…

Skills-Fare has three primary purposes

1) to demonstrate that you, and anyone, can learn ANY skill, without difficulty;  

2) that most skills employ sub-skills you already know, just presented within a different context or terminology — meaning, you can easily transfer those sub-skills over to learn the “new” skill far more quickly than you would normally believe possible; and, 

3) to push you down the path toward becoming a Data Manager — which is, and increasingly will be, a highly sought-after capacity, and likely one of the few remaining in the office environment as A.I. replaces automated office roles in the near future

So, 'WHY' Skills-Fare?!...

Why Skills-Fare?
The Skills-Fare method draws upon, employs, and integrates a number of high-level learning tools: Polymathic Understanding of Relationships, Associative Learning, Flow Psychology, Project-Based Learning, etc.

But still, you have to be asking yourself: “Why would I want to ‘pay a monthly fee’ only to spend more Time and Effort just to watch videos and do EXTRA homework?”  At first glance, that ‘appears’ to be a valid question.

You might have baked-in reasons for not joining this Program, such as: “I’m already an ‘A’ student” – or- “I already have too much homework!” 

On the surface, those do ‘seem’ like valid reasons.

Well, here’s the situation… times are changing fast.  You need more skills, and better-honed skills, to adapt and compete in the upcoming market [not 10 long years out – we’re talking within the next few short years].  Jobs are fast being replaced by automation – and, A.I. is quickening that pace in dramatic fashion! 

Simply put: you don’t want to be an ‘A’ student that graduates and suddenly finds you’re only qualified to stand in an unemployment line.  A few dollars a month, plus a couple of hours per week of simply paying attention and following a few instructions, is a very small sacrifice to pay within that context… learning new Skills using this particular method is FUN and EXCITING!!!

Skills-Fare is NOT just a set of 200+ Skills!

Skills-Fare is a particular Method, with a particular focus and direction, intended to increase your self-respect, learning, adaptability, confidence, self-esteem, and “definiteness of purpose” – in exponential fashion.  In the near-term, that means doing your homework FASTER (actually saving you time) in a methodical fashion (saving you effort), while in the long-term, it means collecting personal accomplishments most people can only dream of!

Further, increasing your capabilities is incredibly rewarding!  You are INVESTING in YOURSELF!

Skills-Training Made Simple

Everyone can learn new skills — any skills.

Everyone can write. Everyone can draw. Everyone can paint. Everyone can present.

Everyone can design. Everyone can architect.

Everyone can Engineer.

Everyone can become a Data Manager.