About Skills-Fare®

[SkillsFare NPO is a registered NON-PROFIT 501(c)3]

A place to break free of the "specialization" paradigm...

Skills-Fare uses the instruction of 200+ skills to positively change perspective and attitude.  Skills-Fare utilizes a specifically and purposefully designed method that affects individuals on personal, emotional, psychological, and biochemical levels.

You might be thinking, “well, my son/daughter is already an A student, and volunteers, and is headed to an IV League school — so we don’t need any such program to enhance/augment their academic needs.”  That’s a good plan, but in this day-and-age, it’s insufficient.  Sorry, but the reality is very harsh: 
Skills-Fare is committed to opening up opportunities, in terms of employment to be sure, but also with respect to lifestyle and positive, personal outlook.  Students grow from individuals to contributing, productive, community members.  Artificial boundaries and constraints are removed, and replaced with a supportive infrastructure to accommodate what-ever the imagination brings!
Skills-Fare utilizes a well-defined and metrics-based method, derived from, and integrating multiple layers of:
  • Polymathic Awareness and Relationship-Building
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Engineering Concepts
  • Intelligence Collection and Analysis
  • Associative Learning
  • Linguistics
  • Cryptology
  • Meta-Cognition Techniques
  • Formal Rhetoric (Narrative and Metaphor)
  • Process Analysis
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Memory Retention Enhancement
  • Core Academic Instruction (Math, Science, Logic)
  • Artistic Methods
  • Flow Psychology
  • specific Neurological Studies from the 1990’s targeting learning and behavior — utilizing skills-training to increase performance of the GABA neural network (increasing number of, and cross-association of, GABA neural receptor-connections), which in turn, inherently manages the Dopamine construct to proper levels without the use of ingested drugs, and thereby reducing both apathy and its associated recidivism tendencies: 

“The brain produces a giant cascade of neurochemistry. You get norepinephrine, dopamine, anandamide, serotonin and endorphins. All five of these are performance enhancing neurochemicals.”  – Steven Kotler   https://bigthink.com/videos/the-neurochemistry-of-flow-states-with-steven-kotler

Skills-Fare, by design, instills from within Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, and Leadership.  The Skills-Fare Program takes STE(A)M to a whole new level.  Skills-Fare costs less per month for daily access to 200+ skills than a tutor will cost for 1hr/month for a single subject. 

Most importantly: Skills-Fare works!


C. Campbell - Student

"I really enjoyed listening to the Skills-Fare instruction on 'combining like terms'… this was more than what my teachers taught me in school, and made it easier to understand the mathematics."

K. S. Campbell - Parent

"Our granddaughter is actually very good at math, it's one of her favorite subjects, and she gets solid A's in math.  But we noticed that she had some difficulty with certain aspects. The Skills-Fare instruction on this area didn't replace what she was already learning, but gave her greater understanding and comprehension -- it's kind of amazing to see her confidence grow, even within a subject she already does well in."

M. LeMesurier - Instructor

"I have been associated with Skills Fare for several years now. The shift in the minds of the students in just a few short weeks is amazing. Students as young as 8-10 years old grasp the concepts (like Engineering) quickly a thoroughly. This new phase, with video presentations, is the next exciting step...."

L. Vazquez - Student

The first Skills-Fare class that I attended was an abstract art class. I was a slightly nervous as I had never attempted "abstract" art.  After some nervousness on my part, I felt inspired by how liberating it was to create something that had never been created; there was no right way or wrong way. It was truly freeing.  To this day, I am still super proud of that piece. 

During the session, I noticed that the training is a very attentive and hands on; and encouraged us to think outside the box."